Form No. – 23
[Under bye-law No. 38 (e)(ii)]
Form of application for membership of the Society
by the Proposed Transferee [being an individual]
The Secretary
____________________________________ Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,
- I, Shri/Shrimati ____________________________________________________________
intend to become a member of the ____________________________________________________________
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. having address at
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
by transfer of the Shares Certificate No. _______________ for five fully paid up shares of Rupees
Fifty each bearing distinctive numbers from ________________ to ________________ [both inclusive]
held by Shri/Shrimati ______________________________________________________________________
the member of the said society and his/her interest in the Flat No. _________________ admeasuring
_______________ sq.metres, in the building of the said society, numbered/known as
_________________ held by the said Shri/Shrimati __________________________________________________________
to my name. - I had given my consent to the proposed transfer of the said shares and the interest of the
said transferor in the capital/property of the said society to me on ____________________________________. - I now make this application for membership of the said society and for transfer of the said
shares and the interest of the said transferor in the capital/property of the said society to my name. - The particulars for the purpose of consideration of my application for membership of
the __________________________________ Co-op. Housing Society Ltd., are given below :
Age : ________________________________________________________________
Occupation : ________________________________________________________________
Monthly Income : Rs. _____________________________________________________________
Office Address : ________________________________________________________________
Residential Address : ________________________________________________________________
- I remit herewith the entrance fee of Rs. 100 [Rupees One Hundred only].
- I declare that there is no plot/flat/house owned by me/any of the members of my family/the
person dependent on me, in the area of operation of the society.
I give below the particulars of the plot/flat/house owned by me/any of the members of my
family/the person dependent on me, in the area of operation of the society.
Sr. Name of Particulars of the Location of the Reason as to why it is
No. the Person plot/flat/house owned plot/flat/house necessary to have a flat
by me/the member of in this society.
my family/the person
dependent on me in the
area of operation of the
1 2 3 4 5
- I furnish herewith the declaration in the prescribed form, on ten rupees stamp paper, about
non-holding of any vacant land or land with a building, in any urban aglomeration, specified under
the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, the area of which exceeds 500 sq.mtrs.
I also furnish herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form, on ten rupees stamp paper,
about registration of the transfer under Section 269-AB of the Income tax Act and the Rules made
I undertake to use the flat, proposed to be transfered to me, for the purpose mentioned in the
letter that will be issued to me by the said society, under bye-law No.76 (a) of the bye-laws of the said
society and that no change of the user of the said flat will be made by me without the prior approval of
the society in writing. The undertaking to that effect in the prescribed form in enclosed herewith.
*10. I undertake to discharge all the liabilities to the society, which may become due from the date of
my admission to the membership of the society. As I have no independent source of income, I
enclose herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form the person, on whom I am dependent, to the effect
that he will discharge all the liabilities of the society.
- I also enclose herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form that the plot/flat/hopuse owned
by me/any of the members of my family/the person dependent on me, the details of which are given in
this application, about the disposal of the said plot/flat/house. - I have gone through the by-laws of the said society and undertake to abide by the same and
any modificiations that the Registering authority may make in them. - I request you please admit me as a member of the said society and transfer the shares and
the interest of the transferor in the capital/property of the said society to my name.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the applicant)
Place :
Date :
Note : The expression “a member of a family” means and includes as defined under bye-law No. 3 (xxv).
* This undertaking is not necessary if consideration for transfer is Rs. 75,00,000/- or less.