RealTech 2.0: Transformative Power of Tech-First Businesses

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Webinar 10th Aug 2023.


Initial digital transformation in the real estate sector included property listings and marketplace aggregators. This solved for the lead generation aspect of the business. But the actual transformation in terms of buyer experience, engagement, and end-to-end onboarding is just getting started. Right from VR/AR site visit experiences to sending out hyper-personalized messages—consumer expectations as well as how businesses view their prospects have seen a huge shift.

​ Key Discussion Points

  • 1. Changes in consumer expectations and how to keep up with it
  • 2. Impacts of personalization in uplifting buyer experience
  • 3. Top marketing tips that helps you stand out in a crowded market
  • 4. Must-have operational automations & tech-stack to manage high inquiry volumes

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