Nominee Member v/s Nominal Member in Societies

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By Legal Bureau

A nominee member is nominated by member of the society to be recognised by the society after his death. Nominee members are not to be treated as legal heirs. They are just an trustee of the member nominating them. Ofter people confused between Nominee, Associate member , Co- Member and main member.

A nominal member is normal member of the society. He has all Rights vested in Co-operative Society Act. As a member he can contest election in society, vote and demand inspection of books and accounts. An Associate member cannot fight election or vote if main member is present in the meeting. Associate member is a proxy member. While difference between Nominal member and Nominee member is later is not a member but nominated by main member.

Since a nominee member is not a member, he / she cannot be elected, selected, co-opted as an office bearer on managing committee. He cannot vote either in any meeting nor is he / she allowed to attend the meetings or served notices of meetings.

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